Before (json or yaml)
title: User type: object properties: name: type: string const: Constant name examples: - Example name - Different name description: The user's full name. This description can be long and should truncate once it reaches the end of the row. If it's not truncating then theres and issue that needs to be fixed. Help! age: type: number minimum: 10 maximum: 40 multipleOf: 10 x-param: qqwertyui default: 20 enum: - 10 - 30 - 20 - 40 readOnly: true completed_at: type: string format: date-time writeOnly: true pattern: "^([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$" description: "* Completed At 1 \n * Completed At 1 \n * Completed At 1 " items: type: - 'null' - array items: type: - string - number minItems: 1 maxItems: 4 description: This description can be long and should truncate once it reaches the end of the row. If it's not truncating then theres and issue that needs to be fixed. Help! email: type: string format: email deprecated: true default: minLength: 2 plan: anyOf: - type: object properties: foo: type: string bar: type: string baz: type: string deprecated: false example: hi description: "- Plan! \n - Plan!" required: - foo - bar - type: array items: type: integer - type: number - type: string permissions: type: - string - object properties: ids: type: array items: type: integer ref: "$ref": "#/properties/permissions" patternProperties: "^id_": type: number foo: type: integer _name$: type: string required: - name - age - completed_at
After (json or yaml)
title: User type: object properties: name: type: string const: Constant name examples: - Different name description: The user's full name. This description can be long and should truncate once it reaches the end of the row. If it's not truncating then theres and issue that needs to be fixed. Help! age: type: string minimum: 20 maximum: 30 multipleOf: 10 default: 20 enum: - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 readOnly: false completed_at: type: string format: uuid writeOnly: true pattern: "^([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]123$" description: "* Completed At 1 \n * Completed At 1" items: type: - 'null' - array items: type: - string - number minItems: 1 maxItems: 4 description: This can be long and should truncate once it reaches the end of the row. If it's not truncating then theres and issue that needs to be fixed. Help! email: type: string format: email deprecated: false default: minLength: 2 plan: anyOf: - type: string - type: object properties: foo: type: string bar: type: number baz: type: boolean deprecated: false example: hi description: "- Plan! \n - Plan!" required: - foo - bar - type: array description: test items: type: integer permissions: type: - string - object properties: ids12: type: array items: type: integer ref: "$ref": "#/properties/permissions" patternProperties: "^id_": type: number foo: type: integer _name$: type: number required: - name - age
Output format: